Edit the footprint and save it for later use.Switch over to your own PCB Library in the Projects panel, the PCB Library, and right-click in the Components list to Paste 1 Components to the library.In Edit, pick Copy Component to copy the entire footprint.Switch to the PCB Library panel to view all the footprints, pick the right one.Open the other PCB Library, from the File menu, with the footprint you want to edit and pick it from the Projects panel.Create a new PCB Library for the new footprints.To use the new symbol, open the Schematic and place a new component, select your own SchLib file to view the list of all the componentsįor designators, check this PCB reference designators list.Make the changes to the symbol and save it.In Tools, select Copy component to save it to your own Schematic Library from the list.Switch over to the SCH Library panel to view all the symbol drawings.Open the other Integrated Library or Schematic Library from the File menu and in the Project panel pick the SchLib file.Create a new Schematic Library to collect the new symbols, save it to a common location.Save the board in the same folder as the schematic.Add the necessary design rules before transferring the schematic, i.e.Right-click the sheet and select Options, Board Options and uncheck Display Sheet.Create a new PCB board using the PCB Wizard on the Files panel and drag the PCB into the PCB group in the Projects panel.Create a schematic and add it to the PCB group by dragging it in the Projects panel.Add a new PCB group by in the File menu.altium designer addons - tons of scripts and librariesįrom scratch to fabrication files New project.SparkFun Altium PCB Library - selection of common parts.Altium 10 libraries - all major manufacturers covered.Miscellaneous Devices and Miscellaneous Connectors.Add the following libraries to get a good base to start from - edit the symbols or footprints to fit your need.Mechanical 16 – Bottom Layer Courtyard and Assembly Information.Mechanical 15 – Top Layer Courtyard and Assembly Information.Mechanical 14 – Bottom Layer Component Body Information (3D models and mechanical outlines).Mechanical 13 – Top Layer Component Body Information (3D models and mechanical outlines).Mechanical 12 – Bottom Layer Dimensions.Mechanical 2 – PCB Info (manfacturing info, added as text).Mechanical 1 – Board Outline (along with the Keep-Out Layer, but that can be used for other things also).6 Supplier part data automatically in schematic.4.10.4 Quickly change via or trace size.4.10.3 Adding via and changing layer automatically.